order the journal!

what makes this journal different?

This brand new journal is both simplified and more in depth than the original faith planners and journals.

Simplified in its size and simple black and white interior, as well as in its single purpose - as an aid in studying scripture… while at the same time more in depth in that single purpose.

Everyday Mercies Monthly Scripture Journal will walk you through studying the Bible with intention. These studies are meant to challenge you to dig deeply into just a few verses a day - observing, interpreting and applying the very words of God to your everyday life. This journal offers substantial space to really dig into the scripture you’re studying everyday for one month. Each journaling page includes prompts and space to read, study, and journal, encouraging you to look at the context and purpose of what you’re reading.

In addition to your Bible study, you'll be encouraged to memorize Scripture, read and listen to other books and resources, and to pray the scriptures you're studying.