We're Reading: The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross

We're Reading: The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross

This might be the book that is the most fun to read to my kids.

It’s beautiful, for starters. I was immediately drawn to ALL the color, and the bright, childlike illustrations that truly jump off the front cover.

I eventually read the title to figure out what I was holding in my hands with such colorful excitement, but y'all, I just could. not. wait. to flip through the pages!

Every illustration on every page was created with the eyes of a young listener in mind, but also deeply intentional, describing the intended scene through details, lines, colors, and the void of color. You will know the intention of this book even before you read the words!

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So... You have a diverting toddler... - gleanings from john chapter four

So... You have a diverting toddler... - gleanings from john chapter four

Among SO many other things in John 4, I love how Jesus addresses the Samaritan woman, and the route He takes to bring her to Himself as the Living Water and her Savior.

If you've got a minute, read through it, specifically verses 7-30. And while you’re reading, think about that toddler in your life who avoids admitting wrong by diverting your attention to his awesome new somersault skills..

The message in these verses is beautiful: Jesus is teaching her about Himself and the salvation He offers that will quench her thirst eternally, unlike the earthly relationships she has sought over and over that have repeatedly failed to quench her never-ending thirst. His methodology, however, was lost on me until an all too familiar interaction I had with my two year old today.

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We're Reading & Singing: Baby's Hug-a-Bible and Rain For Roots

Embrace the Word of God. Literally.

Did you know that an embrace is any hug that lasts five seconds or longer? That may not be a technical definition, but... it's been working for me for a lot of years. And am I alone in this, or do you ever read your Bible, embracing in your heart the glory and grace of God revealed in it's pages, and just feel the need to give that book a good, long bear hug??


Because there's a children's Bible (written for kids up to 3ish) that is totally huggable... and it is the sweetest little board book, teaching kids right from the start to embrace God's Word, both spiritually and physically! It's the Baby's Hug-a-Bible* by Sally Lloyd-Jones!

In it, Sally shares ten short poems telling Bible stories that reveal God's power, sovereignty, compassion, love, grace... and makes them personal to little listeners, all in 6-8 lines per story! The length, language, and illustrations are so perfect for grabbing and holding the attention of little bitties, and the cover is perfect for snuggling.  

And if that's not adorable enough, Sally Lloyd-Jones' sweet poems from the Hug-a-Bible have been put to music by Rain For Roots in Big Stories For Little Ones*, and they are SO good. They're folksy, and artsy, and totally for grown ups... Y'all, I love this music so much. I listened to it for myself when I was pregnant... in the car with no kids... doing dishes during naps... all the time. And the track about Daniel was the first song Mercy learned to sing along to (you know, bits and pieces) long before she was talking.

A couple of months after Mercy's arrival... rocking her to sleep one night, I finally opened her Hug-a-Bible and read it to her. Before I knew it I had sung through every page with a big grin on my face and Mercy was just snoozing away... and this pair has been my favorite new-baby gift ever since. 

Since this first album, Rain for Roots has put together two more (The Kingdom of Heaven is Like This* and Waiting Songs* (a Christmas collection!), and each is just as good as the first! Check them out... you're kids will be singing along, and so will you!


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Non-perishables in a perishing world - gleanings from John chapter three

This post is part of a weekly share of gleanings from the book of John. Click here for more information, and read to the bottom to join the conversation! 

Several years ago I worked in a food bank, always asking friends and church members to donate non-perishables. Why? Because the lifespan of perishables was already diminishing. Before long those items would be moldy, rotten, and tossed…

Sound familiar?

It should, because that’s me and you! Perishable from birth… And that’s the nature of our existence that this third chapter of John addresses.


I have known John 3:16 my whole life. And I bet you have too. Is there a more “famous” Bible verse??

And I think I have misunderstood it’s message my whole life too. That’s unfortunate because, y’all… this is the Gospel! The Good news of Jesus!

Perhaps my misunderstanding was due to lack of investigation. Did I ever read it within it’s context, or consider to whom Jesus spoke these words? Did I ever compare the words in the 16th verse to the story in the two previous verses? Or look into Jesus’ God-given mission in the following verse? So let’s back up and jump forward a bit, and look at verses 14-17.

14 “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3:14-17)

Numbers 21:4-9 tells the story mentioned in 14&15. Click on the link and read through it briefly… it’s an important part of the investigation, because it reminds us that looking upon the serpent did not save those who were well, but those who were already bitten, already perishing… and gave them life.

Perfect segway to Jesus’ presentation of His own Gospel, which He shared with a Pharisee, somebody who believed he was well because of his many “righteous” works.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

Should. Not. Perish… but have eternal life! Eternally non-perishable! Saved from decay, mold, and the being tossed!

And remember the nature of perishables? Already diminishing! That’s where the next verse comes in… and that’s where my years of misunderstanding came in as well.

I always read these verses in regards to two separate groups of people: the condemned and the not-condemned, the lost and the saved. Not only is that thinking deeply flawed, but it is a BIG disservice to the awe and gravity of what Jesus came to do!

The beauty and great impact of these passages comes when we realize and accept that Jesus is speaking to ONE group: the condemned. I am in that group and so are you… and so is every human who has ever existed… including our precious little ones. Already condemned. Diminishing, perishing from the moment of our birth. Enemies, completely unworthy of His great grace that brings salvation to those who would never turn to Him if not drawn by Him.

Jesus did not come to this world in judgement or in order to condemn a world which was already condemned in it’s entirety. Jesus came into the world in grace, in order to rescue us, His enemies, and willingly receive the punishment we all deserve. Jesus came into the world as a substitute for our condemnation. Jesus came into the world so that when His Father looks upon His children, He won’t see you and me in our filthy, rotten, perishing condemnation. Instead, He will see the righteousness of Jesus covering each of us whose hearts He has given the gift of belief!

And what a gift it is to share this grace with our children when we encounter various sins in our families. What a privilege and responsibility to model unconditional love and forgiveness despite the behaviors we see in these little ones, and the behaviors they see in us. What a challenge to live and love the way Jesus did, patiently dealing with Nicodemus and the Pharisees in their endless questions, doubts and traps… and what a celebration to see them turn to Him as He calls them forth!

I hope you are reading these scriptures with your little ones, they are immeasurably valuable and eternally fruitful!

If you're journeying through the Gospel of John with us (or if you'd like to!), click below to download your guide through chapter three!

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Remember and Believe - gleanings from John chapter two

 Remember and Believe - gleanings from John chapter two

This post is part of a weekly share of gleanings from the book of John. Click here for more information, and read to the bottom to join the conversation! 

I'll never forget the time a friend tried to comfort me as my two pound daughter lay in a NICU isolette twenty minutes away from her daddy, me, and her own crib.

She said, “One day you'll forget any of this ever happened.”

I confidently responded, “I hope I don’t. I wouldn't trade these moments for a full term pregnancy.” Despite the grief and trauma of the NICU, I meant those words. God was doing miraculous things, and my faith was being stretched and strengthened every day.

She’ll be five soon... and I really hate to say this, but some days I forget any of that ever happened.

My friend was right.

This is a problem, y’all. As moms, these days we spend with our little ones are precious and important, but can become so routine and so monotonous that the miracle that made us moms gets lost in the mundane. If you’re reading John with me, the second chapter cuts right to the heart of the problem!

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